Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Lots of Progress!

After some technical delays the Naval/Mechanical side of the MUN SailBOT team has hit the ground running. In the past month or so the team has laser cut wood for the hull model, assembled the mold, and built the deck. With the addition of the hull currently being built and the rudder under construction, our team is well on our way and picking up steam.

The pond is starting to thaw out and we are hoping to be able to do some sailing testing soon. Keep an eye out for our boat on the pond behind the engineering building near the end of May; we'll be the ones frantically paddling around in a blow up dinghy. If you're interested in giving us a hand with the project feel free to shoot us an email at As usual everyone is welcome!

Hull Mold Before Shaping

Hull Mold Mid Shaping